今年度は新しく「TEAM ELITUS」というクラブチームの活動も始まります。
Hello everyone! This is Eitus Academy Director Jo Kurino.
The Calendar for July 2020 is now complete. Please take a look.
During the month of June, there were no known Corona cases on the Island and we were able to practice and sweat together. With that said, it's unfortunate that I have to go back to the mainland to start practices with the Shinshu Brave Warrior; which is where I serve as an Assistant Coach.
We are also starting Team Elitus during this fiscal year.
Coach Gibson has done a fabulous job during my time away from Okinawa.
During this fiscal year, we are not only operating the Academy but we will be also instructing in English & Basketball classes, which will be hosted by Okinawa City Gymnasium. As Team Elitus' Assistant Director, I am sure Coach Gibson will work his magic in all aspects of Elitus' operations. Alongside Coach Gibson, we will have some new volunteer coaches on hand to assist him.
As we move forward, there will be more eyes on the floor and we will be working to provide more quality coaching for all our players.
Please continue to support us!
----- Contact us / お問い合わせ: Web / ウェブ:http://www.elitusacademy.com Email / メール:elitusacademy@gmail.com TEL: (050)5532-9245